
About us

Ability Online, the charity, was started by a child psychiatrist at the Hospital for Sick Children in 1990 with the vision to use technology to connect youth with disabilities to each other and the world around them based on respect, acceptance and inclusion.

Since that time as the first social media platform of its kind, our community has grown to successfully welcome everyone looking for a safe place online to connect, learn and have fun with peers as well as a dedicated area for parents, caregivers, healthcare and education professionals.

We have also become recognized as a great learning environment for students from key programs in Recreation Therapy, Psychology, Social Services and Med Plus. Through our successful internship program, they support our members and gain a valuable first-hand learning experience.

Visit our corporate site to learn more about our latest news and events as well as our Ability Gives equipment grant program for active members and current volunteer opportunities.

Thank you!

Visit AbilityOnline.org

Getting involved

As a non-profit charity, we do need your support so that we continue to connect youth and young adults with each other and help them reach their full potential. 90% of donated funds go directly to the online program and only 10% is for administrative costs (currently 1 staff member supported remotely by students).

For in-kind donations or to explore sponsorship opportunities, please contact

Donate now

“Ability Online is a place where I can come and not be bullied or judged. I can be who I am. Ability Online has saved me in so many different ways. Ability Online is such a wonderful website. It gives people like me who don’t fit in, a sense of home. I have never felt so happy in my life.”

- Kerry, Ability Online Member since 2014